beer stein holding contest

contest Rules & regulations

Location: Balis Park, San Marco Square (Outdoor Event)
Date & Time: March 8th, 2:15pm - last one standing!
Cost: FREE

Eligibility: Participants must be 21+ and must confirm this upon registration.

Stein Specifications: Each contestant will hold a 1-liter beer stein filled with liquid.


  • The stein must be held straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground.

  • Arm must be fully extended (no bent elbows).

  • No supporting the arm against the body or using the other hand.

  • Spilling any liquid results in immediate disqualification.

  • Shifting or stepping disqualifies the contestant.

Winning: The last person holding their stein in the correct position without breaking any rules is the champion!

Referee’s Decision: The referee has the final say on form and rule violations.

Have fun, stay strong, and may the best stein holder win!

contest registration

There are 20 spots available. Anyone who registers after spots are filled will be added to a wait list. Registrants not present at least 5 minutes prior to the contest 2:15pm start time forfeit their spot.